Author Archives: Wilhelm Stefans

It’s Japanese!? In that case it doesn’t suck

A park that had been regarded as symbolizing “dis […]

Spanish Festival fan Atama Denbu responds to readers’ questions

Our January article (“Spanish Culture Enthusiast’s fest […]

Spanish Culture Enthusiast’s festival gets rained on

“I’m half Spanish and half Japanese, so when I see a sa […]

TV Series Debut: Hot & Bothard

Hot on the heels of Tokyo Vice comes a new crime series […]

Fine Dining Sushi. It’s overrated.

Yakuza〜〜nnen! Brave new made-in-Japan but made-for-western TV series not to feature gangsters

Much of the buzz around the world amongst people who ha […]

Australian’s vast repertoire of toilet humor fails to impress cute patron at The Hub

Buggery jokes, fart jokes, and simulations of native pe […]

Bald white guy hoping for new Jason Statham smash hit film to help him get laid

Disgusting.  Unattractive.  Gross.  Weir […]

Welshman anxiously awaiting big disaster in order to be interviewed by western media

Another disaster could hit Japan anytime.  If […]

Kamakura’s resident wandering old man lonely for tourists

Foreign tourists disappearing from Kamakura has finally […]